Showing posts with label arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arts. Show all posts

Saturday, May 06, 2023


Sinje Lee juggles her directorial debut with her producer role and a member of the cast

Golden Horse Award-winning actress Sinje Lee
 produced, directed and starred in ‘Dear Child, How Are You?’, a documentary series by Little Yellow Flower Foundation. 

Not only is Lee the executive producer of the entire series, she also makes her directorial debut for one of the documentary episodes, “Hilltop House”. The series explores the theme of "love”: family relationships, parenting styles, and the interactive communication of love between parents, educators, and children.
Two other episodes in the series, directed by emerging directors Tan Seng Kiat and Kethsvin Chee respectively, feature Sinje Lee in the lead role, sharing her life story in ‘The Journey of Sinje’, and about two families who homeschool their children in ‘We Rode An Ostrich’.
Sinje with her sons in her hometown

In ‘The Journey of Sinje', Lee accompanies her children to explore nature and cultivate interests such as drawing amidst her busy work schedule; highlighting different educational system from the perspective of a career-oriented mother and her views on education as well as different educational philosophies.
Focusing on Waldorf education in her directorial ‘Hilltop House’ episode, Lee shares how each family faces different educational problems, and cites the importance of teachers, parents, and children in the education process. 
Communing with Nature...Sinje and her twin sons

Sinje Lee says: “I never thought about directing for the first time, shooting a documentary I'm not good at. It comes from my love for children. I hope through this documentary, everyone can once again feel the power of truth, kindness, and beauty.”
She candidly admits as a director, she had to change her way of thinking, and gained lots of invaluable experiences as the filming period for documentaries is longer than for that for movies.
In her maiden role as producer, director and a member of the cast, she faced numerous challenges from the planning stages to the actual filming, but with the production crew team’s assistance and her husband, Oxide Pang’s support, she overcame everything.
The adorable young cast of Dear Child, How Are You?

Initially hesitant to share her complete three-generation family story in ‘The Journey of Sinje’, the low-profile Lee gives audience insights of her real life and educational beliefs after Sylvia Chang encouraged her to be honest and sincere in her creative process. Lee hopes her life story will bring encouragement and hope to everyone.  
Founded in 2007 by Sinje Lee and her celebrity friends: Charlie Young, Gigi Leung and Valen Hsu, Little Yellow Flower Foundation aims to spread love and hope, and make a difference in children’s lives.  
Children from Hilltop House
Through their collective love for children and concern for children’s welfare, the Foundation has provided assistance for children in need, regardless of nationality or social standing, through educational environment enhancement and giving the children better educational opportunities, to help create a better future for them. 

‘Dear Child, How Are You?’ was officially released on 13 April 2023. More information available in FB:     
‘Dear Child, How Are You?’  Movie Trailer Link:  
The Making of Video for ‘The Journey of Sinje’ Movie Link: 
The Making of Video for ‘Hilltop House’ Movie Link            

Sunday, December 13, 2015



Today is here…Surreal yet unbelievably fun moments were aplenty throughout our recent sojourn in London, thanks to Visit Britain in collaboration with Malaysia Airlines (MAB) and Dorsett Hospitality International.
After a fitful night’s rest and hearty English breakfast at Dorsett Shepherd’s Bush, Pilot Parker from MAB together with Visit Britain Blue Badge guide Henrietta Ferguson (the gorgeous gal beside yours truly) showed us a jolly good time in London and its surrounds. Our carefully curated itinerary covered five distinct locations and experiences designed to ensure we #LoveGreatBritain.

Built in the 18th century, Blenheim Palace is Britain’s only non-royal palace and the current home of the 12th Duke of Marlborough. The formidable buildings along with its rolling, windswept grounds and parkland is a World Heritage Site. 
Take the Lights, Camera, Action tour to learn which scenes in the latest James Bond and Mission Impossible flicks, Spectre and Rogue Nation were filmed. It was also the location of choice for the period movie ‘A Little Chaos’ starring Kate Winslet.
Walking through the warren of rooms provided plenty of jaw-dropping moments thanks to its ornate, gilded interior décor and priceless collection of antiques, wall-size tapestries and precious objects d'art including a 300 year old table clock that still chimes on the hour. We also visited the guest room where Sir Winston Churchill was born in and a memorial room dedicated to the great leader.
A shutterbug’s paradise, practically every nook and corner of its palatial surrounds is fair game. Suffice to say our knowledgeable guides had a hard time keeping us in line as we sneaked away frequently to snap endless photos.
After the whirlwind tour, we were treated to a simple but delicious lunch at the Oxfordshire Pantry. The fresh salad with pine nuts and ham, carrot cake, salmon sandwiches and scones among others featured locally sourced ingredients. The East Courtyard Shop left us spoiled for choice with its exclusive Blenheim Palace memorabilia, homemade preserves and jams, books and souvenirs.
For information on Blenheim Palace, visit:

No self-respecting foodie or performing arts fan should miss out on this soul-satisfying musical which is based on Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Make your way to The Theatre Royal Drury Lane – a three and a half centuries old theatrical hub with two Royal boxes in London’s West End.
Marble sculptures in the foyer, detailed ornamental plasterwork on the walls and ceiling and the multiple tiers of royal boxes made the Theatre Royal an impressive sight to behold.
Right from the get-go, the musical had us spellbound like kids trapped in a candy store. The entertaining song and dance about Charlie Bucket and his fantastical Golden Ticket passage into Willy Wonka’s mysterious chocolate factory was choc-full of dark humour, sweet whimsical tunes and enchanting scenes.
One cannot help but be impressed by the talented cast performing in that glorious song and dance. Augmented by cutting-edge lighting and stage props, no wonder most visitors make time for a night out to a musical or theatre performance at London’s West End. Thank you Visit Britain for hosting us to this spectacular show.
For more information on Charlie & The Chocolate Factory musical, visit:


English Premier League (EPL) football has a huge following in Malaysia so stadium tours of one’s fave football club (FC) is a ‘must’ when visiting Britain. Admittedly, I were kinda cool to the idea but Pilot Parker together with his pal Paddington Bear convinced us the fully guided one hour tour of Stamford Bridge Stadium – home turf of 2014/15 Premier League Champions Chelsea FC - would be memorable. Ok, it was a new learning and eye-opening experience for a non-footie fan like me.

The beautiful game is a major money spinner and you’d get insightful glimpses on the art of management once you go behind the scenes at one of the world’s greatest football clubs (never mind if the current flock under The Special One is having a lousy season).
The Press Room where pre & post match PCs were held - guess who's in the hot seat right now?

We were privileged to access areas normally reserved for players and officials; the tour taking us to various stands in the Stadium, down to the Press Room, Home & Away dressing rooms, the tunnel and dug out areas. Shutterbugs of course should have a field day as we did.
David Beckham was one of the players who had pitched his skills against Chelsea in the past besides other legendary footie greats like Bobby Charlton & George Best

Despite the hordes of fans that use the stadium year in, year out, we were flummoxed by how pristine and well-maintained everything was − from the natural grassy field to the photo backdrop outside at the stadium perimeter.

You can also visit the Museum which shows the evolution of Chelsea FC on and off the pitch throughout the years. No fans and supporters will escape unscathed from the veritable range of footie memorabilia sold at the expansive merchandise store.

For more information on the Chelsea FC Stamford Bridge Stadium Tour, visit:


London’s highest viewing platform which blew us away with fantastic 360° bird’s eye views of the cosmopolitan city from the 68th, 69th and 72nd floors. Completed in July 2012, it was a 12-year journey to bring the 310-m high, 95-floor spire-like building to fruition.

Developed by Irvine Sellar and conceptualised by renowned architect Renzo Piano, The Shard is a dynamic vertical city with the Shangri-La hotel onsite in addition to offices, apartments, restaurants and bars.

The official website also explains that “eight sloping glass facades, the "shards", define the shape and visual quality of the tower, fragmenting the scale of the building and reflecting the light in unpredictable ways. Opening vents in the gaps or “fractures” between the shards, provide natural ventilation to winter gardens.”

For us laymen, the thrill is in the noiseless, smooth and rocket-fast ride up in the lifts. Stepping out onto the expansive viewing deck, the sight of a semi-foggy London spread out far and wide underneath us is truly something to behold.
For more information on The Shard, visit:


A unique 75-minute interactive walk and ride attraction taking the young and old into the kingdom of Far Far Away. Starting with a magical 4D ‘DreamWorks Tours’ bus ‘driven’ by Donkey, my heart sank down during part of the bumpy, loopy simulation ride which involved being chased by witches on broomsticks and close calls with mountainous cliffs.  
DreamWorks animation, captivating story-telling and a good dose of Donkey’s cheekiness abound as we trooped into Shrek’s Swamp then rode briefly in Rumpelstiltskin’s Carriage. After popping into The Poison Apple Pub, we watched Pinocchio being strapped to the Wheel of Torture, walked through the Mirror Maze and cooked up a spell at The Muffin Man’s House.
While it was fun in some parts, other sections may be appear scarier for younger tots who aren’t used to sudden loud noises and somewhat sombre surroundings. For more information and ticketing services, visit:

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